Le Monde, Milosevic et les libéraux de choc

Dans son édition datée du vendredi 2 juillet, en page 2, la correspondante du Monde en Serbie, Stéphanie Maupas, relate l'événement ci-dessous de la manière suivante : « UNE POIGNEE de partisans de Slobodan Milosevic ont manifesté à Belgrade pour demander sa libération. ».

En revanche, quatre jours plus tôt, la même Stéphanie Maupas avait qualifié sans rire d'« importante » la participation de 48,36 % des électeurs serbes au second tour des dernières élections présidentielle (participation en forte baisse par rapport aux législatives de décembre 2003). Deux poids, deux mesures …

En prime dans la même édition du Monde de vendredi une interview du nouveau président élu Boris Tadic qui promet d'appliquer une « thérapie de choc » à son pays. Ces libéraux-démocrates serbes sont les vrais révolutionnaires de notre temps. Dès lors, on comprend mieux pourquoi la presse de gauche européiste (Le Monde, Le Monde diplomatique, Alternatives internationales notamment) les soutient.

Marc-Antoine Coppo

More than 5000 people gathered on Monday, 28 June at the Republic Square in Belgrade on invitation of Sloboda/Freedom Association, manifesting the unbeaten spirit of Free Serbia and demanding freedom for the leader of the national resistance against Western aggression Slobodan Milosevic.

The rally was addressed by the leaders of Serbian patriotic and left opposition and prominent international guests. The speakers were Professor Velko Valkanov (Bulgaria), founder and Cochairman (with Ramsey Clark and Alexander Zinoviev) of the International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM), Klaus Hartmann (Germany), Vice-President of the World Union of Freethinkers and Vice-Chairman of ICDSM, Nadja Tesic (USA), writer and university professor, Aleksandar Vucic, MP, General Secretary of the Serbian Radical Party, Milorad Vucelic, MP, Vice-President of the Socialist Party of Serbia, Branko Kitanovic, General Secretary of the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia, Vladimir Krsljanin, assistant of President Milosevic and Bogoljub Bjelica, Chairman of the Managing Board of the Freedom Association.

The rally started with the Yugoslav national anthem and the broadcasting of the famous Vidovdan 1989 speech of President Slobodan Milosevic before two million of people. Participants of the rally also listened the just adopted Address of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Russia and Belarus to the parliaments of NATO and EU countries, international organizations and judges of the Hague Tribunal, demanding release of Slobodan Milosevic and Vojislav Seselj, blessing address of Filaret, Bishop of Mileseva, messages of solidarity of the General Secretary of the World Peace Council Thanasis Pafilis and of the General Secretary of CPRF Gennadi Zyuganov. The Belgrade protest, marking the third anniversary of the kidnapping of President Milosevic, received also many letters of support of organizations and individuals from the country and from abroad and welcomed the anti-NATO protests in Istanbul and protests for the release of President Milosevic and against NATO crimes in the Balkans held in Moscow, The Hague, New York and several Greek cities.

The rally at the Republic Square ended with reading the ten Demands to all Serbian and Federal state organs and institutions to engage concretely in achieving release of President Milosevic, abolishment of the Hague Tribunal and continuing the proceedings against NATO and its leaders.

After the rally, the protesters with numerous red, blue and white flags of Sloboda and posters of President Milosevic marched along the central streets of Belgrade, stopping in front of the Serbian and Federal Parliaments and the Government of Serbia, where Sloboda leader Vladimir Krsljanin spoke and a delegation of the protest delivered the text of the Demands.

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